Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 52 (actually, 58)

I'm prettty sure I'm off on the days, but I'm too lazy to check right now...
Well, I just did and it should be 58...

Today wasn't too bad,
just kidding.
today was awful.
greek midterm - failure :(
i just have to work harder, i guess.
umm i had crew, and i sat on the launch for most of it.
then, once i got on, i didn't row that much! and it was soooo cold.
after i got off the boat, i could not feel my feet.
it was awful.
then i got back to school around 655, and i had to work at 7.  i ran so fast to change and then get to work!

anyway, now i'm here. my roommate is taking nyquill to go to sleep.

oh! i got an awesome tshirt for crew!!
it's embroidered.

first letter of first name and last name are on the sleeve, but in gel. 
it's cool!!!
it's a medium though. it was the only size available. it'll fit though. freshman 15? lollllll.................
it's purple, but it's hard to tell with the pictures. 
free too. well, the shirt cost $5 and the embroidering was free, but she's not making us pay. she's so nice!!! :)

no new music :(
i like all the suggestions though!
it's interesting too see what people listen to. 
i'm going to get some of the songs soon. 
oh! i also got a letter from sonya today :)
and a package from my mom :)
the letter had my name in um pictures. very cool!
i'll show it:
a - asparagus
s - snake
t - tree
r - rose
i - ice cream
d- dog
nyquill hasn't taken effect yet.  hmmmm. 
well, my first class is at 2. 
ah, reading catherine's post and chatting with her has made me forget subjects of sentences or a pronoun (which can be a subject...whatever). it's so bad! i've had to go back and add a few "i"s and "her"s and other stuff to make the sentence a sentence. 

anyway, probably going to go to sleep. i'm going to try to get another work shift tomorrow, but i sort of don't want to...i need the money though. 
i'm going to make a list of stuff i want and then slowly buy the stuff on the list in order of need.
i need headphones, but not as badly as i need boots for winter. 
i need a new coat, but i have a coat right now that's ok. 
it'll be rewarding buying stuff for myself? haha, it'll probably make me sad when i see money going away in my bank account. :(


smoky sunday
___ monday
tipsy tuesday
wasted wednesday ?
thirsty thursday
oh, it's fucking friday!
haha...idk. that's so lame. 
i got sunday and tuesday from catherine's hall though. 
i forgot monday and wednesday. :(

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