Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 61

Heyo bloggg worlddddddddddddd!

um, not much eventful today, per usual.
i had a meeting with my academic advisor.
it was interesting. i've always had problems talking to people with authority.
probably started in 7th grade when i used to talk ALL the time in my classes.
i used to get in so much trouble.
i was forced to move in my geography class 4 times.
so one time my teacher just got really mad with me and made me stay afterclass to talk to her. she made me almost cry, and i'm pretty sure that since then (and because of that?), i haven't been able to talk to authority figures that well. my face always forms a frown type thing that i can't stop! my face muscles are too
anyway, some insight to my jr high years.
hmm yeah after that i just didn't talk in my classes ever again. i didn't want to get in trouble/ yelled (but it wasn't yelling, it was stern talking to i guess?) at again...
anyway, when i went to go see my academic advisor, the first thing she asked me was how are you doing?
and my immediate response was "alright." i didn't really think about it, i just always say alright whenever people ask me that question...
after that she just asked "why not great?" "what's wrong" "are you having problems?"
and i said "what do you mean?" and i started to form the frown thing that i can't stop! it's odd...
and then she said  " do you regret coming to hc?" "are you wishing you were somewhere else?"
and i said "ohhh, definitetly not"
and she was relieved and the frown thing stopped somehow.
hmm then we talked about classes some, and she ended up telling me to email the head of the economics department to figure out what class i should take.  (the head emailed me back and told me statistics ! fuck! and asked if i'm in calc right now...i have to say no...but i haven't replied yet since it's 1am.)

um then i left shortly after. i still don't really like my ac advisor. the person before me went over by 11-12 minutes!
hmm then i don't remember doing much. i think i did work. i went to a review session at 9, it was only an hour it turned out. it was really pointless, but it did make me feel better because i knew everything he said.

umm. oh!!! i watched phineas and ferb today! and somehow phin and ferb get stuck on an island. and doof is there. i only watched it for a few minutes but it had all the classic lines in those few minutes!
phin said "i know what we're going to do today!" but i don't remember what it was :( i think it was figure out how to get off the island.
and then doof is walking around with a leaf attacted to a stick to be a magnetic thing you use to search for metal stuff in the sand  ( i can't htink of the word for it) and then he comes across perry, but perry doens't have his hat on and doof says "a platypus?" and then perry takes his head out of the sand and grabs his hat and a crab walks out of it and he puts his hat on and then doof says  "perry? perry the platypus?" and then he says something like "even though we're on a deserted island doesn't mean we should change anything" and perry is tied to a stick by rope. and doof says "i am supreme ruler of the tri coconut area" and then he points out his "de-evoluntion-inator" and it was a huge fish bone like a statue and some crabs worship it. and thennnn someone came intot he room and i turned it off...
and i just searched the episode, here it is:

ummm then some other stuff happened, i don't remember.
then around 1030 a group of us just sat in the social room and talked until around 1245. it was actually a lot of fun. i learned some people do watch phin and ferb.. haha.
and i showed the wagon wheel and pon de floor...not sure why...
um it was fun!
i'm pretty sure there was something else i really wanted to write in this blog, but i don't remember it at all. and i'll just have to settle for this.

umm here's some music for your entertainment:
it's so fantastic! twice today i was about to stand up and go do something around 5:30 in the video, but i couldn't! it's just too good!
ummm here's another song
oh wait, nevermind i closed the tab.
well, if you want a shit song...check out "143" it's going to be on the radio pretty soon too, i bet.

oh i remember the other thing!
my dad called today! and the first thing he asked was "how are you doing?" and i, as i usually do, said "alright" and he, just like my advisor, said "not great?"
it was so weirddd...
and i don't know what i'm doing for thanksgiving break. most likely go to bro's since he's not going home (most likely) for thanksgiving because he has a debate tournament the weekend before? and because he's goign home this weekend? he misses his girlfriend i think... :( tmi? idk...
i shouldn't talk about my family here... it's weird.
anyway, i'm suppose to check out flight info and also talk to rob, but i don't want to talk to rob, i want my parents to...
odd. ok
well have a good night! and a good day! bye!

ohhh! i remember more! so i watched the news today (side note: the news is sooo good! interesting!) and there's this vid where people claim that someone time traveled back to a charlie chaplin film and used a cell phone...
here's the vid:
but it doesn't make sense, because there wouldn't be cell reception. right?

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