Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 56

I'm going to sleep early tonight. I'm so tired, even though...
Today, I missed my first class. I think my alarm never went off. Last night, I think I turned on my alarm, and then not remembering I turned it on, I turned it off...
Anyway, I slept through the first 10 minutes of class, so I just didn't go. I heard it was sort of pointless anyway, but I felt bad because there's exactly the number of chairs for each student, so it's obvious I wasn't there.

Rowing was cool today. BUT I was freezing! It was in the 30s today, and I just had on some leggings (lol, I need to get some underarmour long leg things, not some thin leggings which don't keep you that warm) and a short sleeve and long sleeve shirt. Apparently it was snowing today, I didn't see it, but almost everyone on my crew team did.
I'm getting (ordering) a new coat tomorrow anyway, so it'll be ok. I just need boots! Suggestions?

Tonight was fun! I hung out with some people on my hall, but I left early. I'm just too tired.  Psh, and Jared texted me saying "at an awesome zbt partaayyy. You need to party!!!"...
I'll do what I want to do. It's not like I don't go to parties, it's just something I don't do often. I'd rather just hang out with some friends anyway.

Anyway, waking up early tomorrow, because I have so much work to do!
I'm going to Salem tomorrow too...! Scary?!
I just checked the times for breakfast. The dining hall isn't open between 9 and 10. Fuck that. It's 8-9 breakfast, 10- something for brunch...hmm all I really want is breakfast though, but I don't want to wake up at 8. gah.

Do you want to see an annoying video?
My roommate played it, without headphones, and now it's stuck in my head.

WELL, have a great day tomorrow! I'm going to go do a kenken and then go to sleep. lame? NO.

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