Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 43/44/45/46/47/48/49

I missed all of those days, because I was visiting Catherine!!!!
This is what happened:

ha, well I met some really cool people. (i want to name them, but that would be weird and it would basically go frisbee people, catherine's hallmates, other people in the butts like Nick and Robbie and Henry (x2) and Jeffrey (?) I don't actually remember his name...but he was cool! and other people who i guess i don't remember)
i saw some cool stuff.
ate some good food. much better food than here!

can't really think of what i did...
hung out i guess.
it was a lot of fun!!
i like wesleyan a lot! not at first, but now i really do!
but i'm definitely glad to be back.

anyway, i got to union station in hartford at 2 pm ish today. bought a train ticket for worcester for 4:15pm (the next bus). to spend the time, i bought 2 doughnuts, a smoothie, a magazine, and a newspaper. called some people. eventually it was 4, and i got in line for the bus. it was so cold outside! then, i got on the bus after waiting for 5-10 minutes. on the  bus, we had to wait for 40 minutes for another bus to arrive for people who were on that bus who needed to get on my bus. bit confusing.
there was a little girl (i think) who kept kicking the back of my seat! i didn't mind, until the kicking increased...but then it stopped when she fell asleep.

anyway. back in worcester.
got in a taxi. the guy was soooo creepy. he asked he where i was. then, convinced i was visiting a boyfriend, kept asking me how many boyfriends i had right now. then he said, well i doubt he'll mind me too. and i was so creeped out! i kept looking out the window trying to figure out where i was. i saw three male exotic dance clubs (i cant think of the correct name right now) which creeped me out. then he started talking about his "girlfriend" (in quotes, because i doubted she existed). he then explained why he didn't take the interstate (apparently it's faster, but the fair was the same as taking the interstate to union station on saturday).
well, the ride creeped me out!  but i still tipped him well...

hmm, back here, i saw the 3 girls on my hall who stayed. they were going for dinner, and i didn't want to. i sort of wish i did  now.
i watched a bunch of hulu and read a lot. still haven't read the newspaper though :(

hmm, well
i found my lollipops! delicious!!!
mmmm, carmel apple!!!

ahh the three main songs from wesleyan which are awesome!!!

so, oh! at wesleyan, i found out i gained 7 pounds since starting college, or since i last weighed myself which was before college sometime.
so now i weigh over 100lbs!

now it's catherine's turn to visit.

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