Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day 41/42

I missed one day, because I stayed up late studying for my Greek exam, and I didn't want to spend time writing a blog post. 
I had the test today, didn't have enough time to finish it :( 
and I definitely messed up some parts of it...gah

now I'm awake at 5:13 AM with nothing to do. This hasn't happened since...high school? When then I could always just sleep and then go to class. 
I guess I did this a lot during the summer, I would stay awake until 8 or 9 or 10am and essentially do nothing. That was also when I had netflix. :(

My roommate left around 2 pm, I fell asleep around 6 or 7 pm, and woke up at 3 am. I have no idea what I've  been doing for 2 hours. but I've realized, if I have to stay here all week, I'm going to be so bored. 
CATHERINE! you should answer your phone, ok? I need to get over to Wesleyan, so I'm not bored!

and I didn't have internet all day today until 3pm maybe, so I guess not all day. but I had to find an ethernet chord. 

It's so weird to be awake at 5am. There are no car horns going off. No one is talking in the hall. It's light but also dark outside. I don't hear anyone going to the bathroom or the showers running. It's odd. 
No one is here on my hall though, except for 2 people for band and 2 or 3 people for sports. There's one other girl staying for most of the week, because she doesn't live around here, but I don't know here that well. 
Some of my professors are saying that we have this week long break, because the administration (I don't know what to call them) wanted to make the fall semester parallel the spring semester. It's new this year. I think it's awesome...but I'm not going anywhere, so it's not that awesome. 

I think I'll go make myself some hot chocolate since I have nothing else to do. This actually wouldn't be too  bad, if I had movies or food or books or transportation. But, I have no way to get to the movie theater or to get to the shopping center or even to get to the bus station. Everything requires cabs. 

good song?

i hope my hot chocolate doesn't spill. 
I don't know when breakfast is offered today. I also don't know anyone to sit next to. Probably 9, since it's Saturday and it's brunch. 

I really have nothing to write about. It's now 6:20, and I've left this window open, not posting it or writing anything. 
yeah, it's blue because I have a dell and the light is blue. It's my hot chocolate!! Delicious!!!
Not sure why I'm wearing my lanyard...

Meh, well have a good day!

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