Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 63

Today was cool.
I dont' remember what i did, but I'm goign to assume ti was cool.
i went rowing
tomorrow is the race!!
i'm excited, but i have to wake up at 645
i should have gone to sleep muchhhhhhhhh earlier
umm i got to explore the old buildigns today like an hour ago
we found the staircase that leads to nowhere.
um a lot of doors were locked, so we actually couldn't do a lot.
um we saw a lot of cool costumes. idk...
someone tried to make easy mac without water...our floor smelllls terrrrrrribleeeeeeee
terrible terrible
and someone also threw up on the 2nd floor, so the stairwell smells terrrrrrribleee
it's not a good night for anyone.
except for me.
um i did other stuff
oh! jazz concert
they played this:
it's soo good!
actually, i haven't listened to all of this video, it might be a bad vid, but prob not! it has 1mill views!
it's parents weekend.
don't have much else to say.
kill me now? no! i want to live! i want to race tomorrow!
im hungry
oh! my roommate is staying in a hotel with her parents for hte night.
i don't have a picture.
oh wait, here's a picture of m y blister, i'm not sure why i'm showing this, but that it's gross ish and it's annoying me and i got it from rowing.
um classes were alright!
oh my midterm! it wasn't bad at all. i knew most of it, except where some papyrus rhind was found. i wrote turkey, but it's either iraq or iran.
psych quiz i got 100% which is good, because i can drop my two lowest quiz grades and all of my are 100% except for two where i missed 1 on each so it's 5/6 which is some percent. 84ish
it won't change my grade that much.
hope halloween day 1 (sort of 2?) was fun for everyone else!

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