Monday, December 13, 2010


1. i'm just waiting until i think of something worth millions so i can drop out of college and have fun.

2. i'm waiting for the moment in my life when i can honestly answer no to the question "if you could do it all over again, would you change anything?" 

last time i tried something new?  - aside from the courses i'm in, actually attempting to do something new, probably over the summer -> surfing...

fuck, i should do something...
i hate these realizations.
i never change anything
after i say i should.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


i haven't blogged in quite a while
but i don't mind
well, i sort of do
but it's not like i write anything different each time
finals are this thurs (considered a final, but really  just a test...), 2 papers mon, tests: tues, wed
work thurs
leave fri at 230 am
should be hectic, but i'll live through it

got back from a capella christmas carol concert
it was good
i know a few people in the groups
i remembered that one of my favorite songs is O Come All Ye Faithful
but it has to have the latin verses in the middle!
i think we sing it at the end of every christmas mass
or at the beginning, pretty sure it's the end though
it's so nice

oh i had a really weird dream last night.
where catherine had a baby, but she thought it was ugly, so i ended up taking care of it
there was more to the story, but i don't want to write it all.
it was weird because we were either this age or 20, not sure why i can't remember which one....

oh so i'm pretty much not sure if i'm excited or sad about leaving
i don't like counting down because that means i'm closer to finals and leaving friends
but then i like counting because i'm closer to going home and seeing jared and graham and hannah and catherine and jamie and sonya and rachel and curie and everyone...

hmm what i want to do when i get back:
make christmas decorations!
make cookies!
make holy fuck make the fucking awesome snowflake paper things the grad assistant made in my hall
(she just walked by with them)
decorate the tree :)
take a picture with santa
buy and wrap gifts :)
listen to christmas music!
decorate the house
watch classic christmas movies:
1. garfield christmas
2. how the grinch stole christmas original
3. it's a wondeful life
4. elf
i cna't think of more
i would say a christmas story...but i'm sick of it and i know it's inevitable (a day marathon on tbs every year...)

umm that's about it
i have to study for my quiz tomorrow :(
always a quiz
oh! i don't know if i ever wrote this
but next semester i'm taking
1. seminar (required, did not pick)
2. statistics (the economics one- there's a bunch of different stats classes here, as, i think, there are at other colleges)
3. intro to accounting
4. intro to philosophy (required philosophy class, only freshman can take it, it's the easiest philosophy class, not to say that it is easy...apparently it's beyond impossible to get an A...)

yup, that's it
oh i also like the song
well it goes "and this christmas will be a very special christmas for me"
yeah. it's nice, i forgot about it too, until today.

we have a dorm decorating contest so the basement of our dorm is being decorated right now.
we raised $300 for the decorations...crazy
i didn't donate anything...whoops?

anyway, have a good finals week and rest of semester! safe flight home!
i'm not sure if i'm going to be writing more entries until after finals.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 85/86/87

Oh so it's monday now
i missed a few days
i went to providence!
it was funnnnnn :)
i saw harry potter again
it was just as awesome the second time
then i got back here
but i forgot my glasses :(
not sure how to get them back.
sunday was alright
i did next to nothing
which was sort of stupid

today was monday
class was slow
but it's class
um then i worked out
and then i did work

ahhhhh sooooooo I go to new york in less than 24 hours!!!! :) :) :)
i'm getting there around 9!
ok. so yeah
but like a few days ago.
snow patrol! :) :)

Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 83/84

um thursday was alright
i got to see harry potter!
it was fucking amazing!
um what else? test. that sucked
but whatever.
sort of my attitude right now
which sucks
i want to change it, but i really can't for some reason
i don't have motivation
which sucks even more
yeah thursday happened.
then there was friday
which is today
oh fuck, friday sucks so far
sucks so much
i finished my paper on time
and now i'm on my way to providence
well, i'm about to walk to the shuttle to get to providence.
i'm exicted :) :) :)
i hope i didn't forget anything.
yup, so i'm not in a good mood
life goeson though
and on
and on
and on
i want to be 30 already
no i don't
yes i do
no i don't

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 82

it's wed
the greek test is done
i fucked up on some of it
i'm not sure what i'm going to get
but whatever.
i'm not watching psych right now
i sort of want to
sort of don't
i'll wait for sun?
i haven't finished my paper yet
i haven't studied for arch yet
i'm screwed
it'll be fun though
and i'm waking up at 5 for course enrollment
it started at 645, then 630, then 600, then 530 , and now it's 5.
a full 2hours before enrollment begins
just so i can get one of the few computers at the lib.
i would go to the 24 hour lab, if i knew where it is.
anyway, i think i'm going to go to sleep now, because i won't get to sleep again until 4 am tomorrow...which is actually friday.
fun fun!
6 days! which is now 5 days! fuck yes!! i still haven't bought a ticket yet though
i should really get on that.
but i can't decide if i should skip class tues and leave around 8 or 9 am or if should go to class and leave around 4pm on a school provided (but you have to pay for it) bus. if i go at 8 or 9 i would have to take a cab to nyc
is it worth it to leave earlier? is it worth it to go to clasS? i think he expects people to not show up from the way he was talking on tuesday.
i jsut ate a now and later
i regret it
so-so day
oh! i slept through my first class
second time in about a month
it's pretty bad.
next semester is going to suck if i get the classes i want. cross my fingers!
um it's fucking windy here. so windy. it's making wind noise which i can hear through a closed window.
maybe that's normal though. i'm not sure
time to go to sleep
health and safety inspection just happened. i passed! fuck yes
everyone passes really.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 80/81

yesterday i didn't feel like writing a post

ran, dinner, work, hall meeting, study was my night
i don't remember the day

today i slept utnil 12
and i was fucking pissed off
i planned my day starting at 9 am
and it just didn't happen
so i'm 3 hours behind where i should be
right now is my dinner time
but i'm writing a blog post
and wiating for girl talk to download
and i'm going to go get a smoothie soon

hmm, today all i've had is 2 smoothies
and i'm about to get another
oh and i had some chips
and some cookies that i hadn't had in such a long time
i can't think of the brand
but they come in a green package
and it's a white cookie with creme on the inside and then another cookie
like an oreo but 100x better

yeah i have to study
but i was thinking
that i have no fucking idea what i want to do with my life
i always knew i wanted money
but why do i want money?
vacations, nice house, idk...
to get an education...
why do i want an education?
money. it's interesting
but what is it?
i don't know. right now i don't have a major
but i feel like my major doesn't matter
becuase i don't have a job i'm aiming for
i don't want to have a english, language, relgiious, sciencce, or music major
what's left?
probalby more stuff i could knock off that i can't think of.

right now i don't see the point of college which is sad
becuase it's my next 4 years
and i always thought i would go to grad shcool
but why?
i don't know.
tis' life.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 79

my day =
talk to people
going to go study more.
fuck greek
and the fucking declensions
and principle parts.
and fuck it all
i wish i took latin
it's 100x easier.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 78

today was cool
i don't really remember
oh fuck wait it wasn't too cool
so i had breakfast
which was good!
french toast!!
then, 20ish minutes later, i went on a run with a friend
and i almost threw up at the end
i got dizzy, my vision blurred, and i had to sit down
it really freaked me out
then i slowly  jogged back to her dorm
then i worked from 12-4
sort of a bad decision to do that.
but whatever
then i sat around for a while
i said i would do work at 5
i went downstairs at 5
to go get something to drink
turns out the pizza party thing was goign on
so i mingled and had some pizza
then i went to the social room
and watched some of hte pursuit of happyness
then i went to dinner at 7
it was good
actually, it wasn't at all
but that's ok
then i went to um my room
and chatted with catheirne
at 9 i was goign to do work
i ended up talking until 10
then i um went upstairs to hang out with some people
and we watched spider man
and i had more pizza
i had soooo much pizza today (gross...i had it during my break during lunch, then i had it for the pizza party, then i had some more at the movie...too much!)
after the movie i hung out with some people on the floor
5th floor is sooooo cool!
i like it much more than my floor...sadly,
but my floor is still cool. it's nice, it's easy walking.
then um i went to the fourth floor with some guys
i've never been on the 4th, but now i've been on 1-5! success!
yeah, it was cool
the rooms are so small for forced triples...but it makes sense since it's a forced triple.
umm then i got back to my room like 10 minutes ago
and there were some people drinking - like 6? and a prospective. he was such a small kid.
so now we have some bottles
and cups
ha. but whatever.
people just put them in the recycling the next day.
eh, so it was a fun night, but a bad day for studying/doing work.
um idk... not much else to say.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 77

i'm spending this weekend with my face in the books
that's the expression, right?
i'm studying like no other
i'm waking up at 845 tomorrow
brunch at 930 i think
anyway today
i was so tired
i had a headache all day
classes were alright
1/4 of the people in my psych class weren't there - like 25 people
and then i just didn't have the effort to study for the read of the day after psych
i had the worst headache (still do, but it's less bad)
i ended up going to a play (hay fever)
it was alright
i fell asleep twice
but not because it was bad, but because i needed sleep
the other people there said it was really funny
um, then i watched the end of harry potter
and watched the first hour of the hangover
now i'm back here
not that exciting
but it was fun nonetheless
i really just ened sleep though
i might take a shift tomorrow at work, because i want money
i like to buy stuff with my own money
it makes me feel better about buying clothes/shoes/food/anything
then i don't feel like my parents are wasting their money on me...
yeah. anyway
no picture...err i can take one now, but it won't be that good.
i tried to include some of the room in the picture.
ummmm 10 days >!?!?!?!?!??!?
...i still don't know what i'm doing for thanksgiving dinner ...
i want to go to long island, but i don't think that's going to happen.
eh, i'll figure it out soon enough

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 76

i shouldn't write much
last night my roommate around 1:30 am ish said can you go on your computer outside the room?
which made sense, my keys are loud, and i felt bad.
but she's trying to sleep now
so i shoudln't stay on here long
day was ok
what happeneD?
oh archaeology
and i got my pay check
and i worked!
today has been an ok day
i found out i have a 5 page paper due on friday
and i'm going to hp thursday night
so that sucks
paper M
test W
test Th
paper F

ah sucks.
whatever, i'll get over it.
i'm considering skipping class on tuesday
next tuesday
the one before break
good idea?
we'll see...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 75

nothing to talk about
finished tough day 1
tough days 2,3,4 are next week
i'll tell you when they arrive
after classes, i did NOTHING
i walked around, watched tv, cooled off, didn't think
it was good
waste of my time

but now tomorrow is back to studying
i shall write more tomorrow
i hope
read that, if you want .
i think my roommate has been trying to sleep since 11:30 and it's now 1:45
i came back to the room at 12:45
i dont leave the light on, i just type...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 74

I really need a point to these blogs
I feel as though there really is no point... I'm just writing what i do everyday
but whatever.
i still enjoy it

um test tomorrow
presentation tomorrow
quiz tomorrow
i'm completley prepared for none...
i'm waking up at 715 for breakfast.
i'm excited for that.  no sarcasm
14 days
now 13.
i'm excited for thanksigiving.
i'm hungry
my roommate got a new poster.
of flight of the conchords.

day is over.
time to sleep
nothing interesting happened today that i remember.
i think i'm really anxious for my test tomorrow because my hand is starting to waver (?) shake... idk, it's weird
i have too much energy when i shouldn't and i think it's anxiety.
i reallly just want tomorrow to be done with.

oh music, yeah
so we have a music radio station here at hc. it's cool
that's about it.
here's a song
i think that was one of the first few songs i posted.
it's been stuck in my head all day. especailly the begining.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 73

Today is today was today
i woke up, went to class, had a bagel, then another bagel(blueberry this time), finished the crossword in 30 minutes!- monday is always so easy, went to class, went to lunch, went to dorm room
the door had sticky notes all over it saying happy birthday for my roommate
went downstairs
got some work done
went to the library got more work done
went to dinner
tried to do work for an hour, watched hulu instead
went to work
work ended
had some pizza and fries
the fries were terrible
the pizza was ok...
i already had dinner though
um my dad called 5 times while i was at work...
oh! i got a package! it was fun! :)
ummm went to the basement, didn't get much work done
now i'm here
still in the basement, chatting though
kid cudi's new album droppppps today

meh, i got an email from 10,000 hours show. i'm sad i'm missing it this year.
i hope it's only an ok artist, not a really good one i would so love to see for free...

yeah, my day.
i'm having um ...waht's-it-called...enrollment issues.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 72

ahhh today i had breakfast! it was pretty good...
um then i went to a review session with professor
then i did almost nothing
then i cleaned my room
then i put up some stuff i've gotten from people on my wall
here it is:
it's only jared and sonya :( i want more letterS!!!
they're fun to read. i want letters with colors too! i hope my roommate doesn't read them, eh whatever...

so, then i watched some of a football game i think? i don't remember
patriots lost :(
giants won :)
then i had dinner which was alright
some stuff was left over (like salad lettuce) from the presidents dinner and i had some because it's much better quality than food from the dining hall

umm then i tried to do some greek work
then i got really excited about thanksgiving! i'm so excited but i can't take down a post it yet, that starts on monday
then i don't know... i took a shower. 
this day hasn't been that exciting
i went to church
oh! it's the first snow fall 
well, it's more like snow-slush-ice-small hail- rain weird stuff
you can see snow underneath trees, but everywehre else it's just water
but if you look at a light, you can see snow, but when it lands it's hail-ish
anyway, there were streakers, but i only heard, didn't see
oh! i also made my roommate a happy birthday sign and posted it on the door because i didn't know what else to do for her bday
she's been in boston all weekend and comes back tomorrow (her bday)

yeah, that's about it
here's a few fun songs:
oh wait, i had like 3 or 4 but i realized i closed the tabs earlier today, so sorry :(

oh! i got harry potter tickets for midnight! people on my floor decided on the midnight showing instead of imax, but that's ok. 
ok bye!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 71

19 days!
fuck yes!
or 18?
ummm today was uneventful. 
i woke up at 11, then 1130, then 12 thinking oh i will for sure wake up so i can get some breakfast/brunch
then i slept utnil 1230 and when i woke up i said, ohfuck! 
and i think my roommate heard and laughed
but it was bad because i was suppoes to meet someone in the basement at 1230 to work on a presentation. 
but it's ok, because he didn't show up and hten i texted him and he showed up around 1. 
we worked until 130, 
then i messed around online
i considered going to the football game but in the end decided not to
then i decided to take a work shift
and i worked from 4-730
it was alright
i get money
mo money mo problems?
i hope not...
um then i got back and my roommate had left for boston
umm then i decided to try to do some work, but i really haven't gotten around to it and it's now midnight
i pruposely stayed in my room tonight to do work and study, but nothing's happened. 
i'm vid chatting with catherine though! =D

that is my countdown to thanksgiving made of post it notes on my desk
my desk is quite messy too. 
the papers are all of my class schedules, highlighted with important dates. yup. but none of that is visible
the post it notes say 6DAYS 5DAYs 4 DAYS. and some have psych exam or arch paper or prob set written on them... the last one just says TODAY 4 PM! i'm so excited for break! not sure why though. maybe there isn't just one specific reason... 1. no work (but there will be, from what i heard, and more than i can imagine...) 2. see my brother 3. be in the city 4. see catherine and kui! 5. real food 6. sleep 7. adventure! i don't really know, but i'm just so excited! there's got to be more reasons too... i just need to think of them! i wont be seeing my parents or other bros though :( or go to tradition thanksigivng :(

Day 70

I thought I edited day 69, but it doesn't show up.
eh whatever.
today was today was today is today

i went to the season opener hockey game! it was so much fun even though we lost :(
tomorrow is the football game against lehigh and if we beat lehigh we'll win the league or something...
but i'm probalby not going to go to the game, because i have to do work.
and another hockey game is tomorrow night.
after the game we played pool and watched the celtics game which was cool. they're undefeated!
and then we listened to this hilarious comedian.
here's his website:
he did a hilarious impression of ruben from american idol
but during this time, my roommate was texting me telling me how she was locked out of the building (she forgot her keycard). i definitley didn't want to leave and walk in teh cold to go let her in. so i told her that when i get back to the dorm,  i'll let her in. it was dumb though because all she has to do is wait less than 10 minutes and she'll get on the floor...and 10 minutes isn't bad if you forgot your keycard.  idk.. i sort of felt like she was trying to use me because she thought i wouldn't have anything else to do but to go let her into the dorm...
anyway, after that, we went back to the dorm (lol...) and then hung out in the basement which was cool. one of the RAs let us into the RA office and we got ice cream!! it was delicious, but i wanted some chocolate syrup too.
then we talked for a while until 2:30 hah....
and now, i'm going to go to sleep. i know i forgot other stuff from teh day, but whatever.
i didn't get my boots today :(
my roommate is leaving for the weekend, if anyone wants to come down, they most likely probalby can. just text me...
oh, have you seen this website? i would imagine so because it's in the news right now
it's funny, well some of it is.
oh and i planned out my next few weeks.
it goes

Wed 10th
Greek - Quiz
Psych - Test
Mont - Presentation

Fri 12th
Arch - Paper

Wed 17th
Greek - Test

Thurs 18th
Arch - Test

Fri 19th
Mont - Paper

I'm finding this schedule a little rough for the last few weeks before break...gah!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 69

um my roommate is TRYING to sleep so i cant type much
i will later (tom)
but today scuked beyond belief.
i'll explain later
just wantedd to write this post to stay up with the days...

alright, so the day started out ok. i don't actually remember how it started. oh! i woke up at 10 and i went downstairs to meet someone to work on montserrat. he never showed! i didn't bring my laptop down becuase he was suppose to, so i couldn't do the work. i watched tv for a while and started my greek homework.
then i went to the mail place to check my mail and i didn't get my paycheck.
then i went to class, and it was boring, but i guess that's normal
then i went to check my mail again becuase i was going to go to the building anyway and i got my paycheck but it was only $24. i was definitley expectign much more!
oh and it was fucking pouring all day so my shoes were soaked...
anyway, after that i went to work and it was work, which is never really good
so, so far the day has been mediocre. not good, just ok.

but then the day  just got terrible
because after work, i went straight to the basement to work on montserrat, and when i went to the group they had gotten one point on one problem done which took them an hour. it should have only taken less than 10 minutes.  they did 2c... we still had four very long proofs left.
anyway, so there were 6 or 7 of us. and i sat down and started the proofs because people weren't working.
i thought of a way to do it and another girl helped with the reasons behind why it's true. then most everyone else just copied it, which at the time was ok,becuase they were going to help with the next ones.
but i ended up figuring out the next three because they would just look at the page and say idk OR just not even look at the page and just look at me or the other girl waiting for an answer...and they just kept copying. and one guy, in particular, would leave and socialize and then come back and say so what do we have so far? and i was so mad! i didn't want people copying my work!
so as i was finishing my proof for the last one which everyone except 2 other people had given up on (the 2 tried to solve it too, so i was fine with them looking at how i solved it), i told the 2 people to NOT share the answer with the guy because he CLEARLY was just mooching off of me (us?). and the guy came over asking, so what do we have so far? and i didn't say anything along with eveyrone else. and then he just stared as i kept talking about the proof...and then like 5 minutes later he asked so how do you do this? and one of the 2 guys just gives him his notebook and i was so pissed!
essentially the guy got every answer except for 2c from me. i figured out 1, 2ab, 3abcd
well, i guess essentially eveyrone got their fucking answers from me! except one of the girls really did do work and looked up the postualtes and stuff for me to write down. but really, it just pissed me off! and i was going to tell the professor, but ive just decided to go and not work with anyone on the next problem sets.

ANYWAY, i'm not sure if any of that made sense. it's probalby not even worth reading.
well that work ended at 1130 and i still hadn't studied for my greek quiz or finished the homewokr.
so i got some coffee drink at midnight ish which just fucked up my night more because i couldn't sleep until 4.

this was a bad day byt the time it was midnight.
but it may not seem that way.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 68

umm today was alright
went to class and stuff
tonight we had this thing with 1st floor girls and 4th floor boys where we each wrote down a question we wanted to ask the other gender and then we turned them in to the leaders and they asked them out loud.
it really wasn't as interesting as people thought it would be.
but we got ice cream! strawberry ice cream with oreo topping and whipped cream and chocolate syrup! delicious!
we were sort of required to go though...

um then i just hang out with some people in the basement and it was fun. we talked and hung out and it was cool although i didn't get much work done.

andddd i got back to my room at like 10pm today to let this girl in who was talking to my roommate in the room. and she left her stuff and my roommate was doing something not in the dorm, so i let her in to get her stuff.
and when i went back later around 11 to get some food i realized that some of my chocolate bars were opened and eaten. i'm SO mad because i let them in a closed plastic bag on my desk and none of them were opened! and i hadn't even started eating them yet. i was saving them because they're from europe. and it just annoys me too because i spent money on them (but they didn't cost a lot, so it's not sooo bad). and they were going to sort of be part of a christmas present too if i saved them that long (i'll probably eat them all).
it just really annoys me. i don't eat my roommate's food and i definitely don't offer it up to my friends. wtf would she do that? and why were they going through stuff on my desk that's in a closed plastic bag? in the back corner. ughhhh
i really haven't minded my roommate until now so much. but i odn't know if i'll address this or not. i probalby should but it could just be an awkward conversation and i'll probalby jsut end up saying "oh, it's fine" because she really can't go out and get some more of this chocolate. ughhhh life was ok, just ok, until now.
i want it to be thanksgiving break.
i'll start a countdown. T-20

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 67

today was alright
i slept a lot
i went to breakfast too
i finish the nyt crossword puzzle
(with help)
i went to class
i didn't do laundry :(
i sort of studied
i went to crew practice
(last everyone-there practice until after thanksgiving :( )
i found out that to use all of my meal swipes, i need to have breakfast lunch and dinner everyday for the rest of my time i think people should visit me so i don't have to do that, and so i don't have to waste them
but whatever.
it's fine
really, my day wasn't that eventful which i just realized.
i surely did something...but i didn't
oh! i had THE most delicious dessert ever! it was chocolate and fudgy maybe and oreo crumbs maybe and deliciousness! and fluffy! delicious!
i had a headache today too :(
yeah, that's about it.
i have a picture today.
i didn't vote. nope.
but republicans took over the house?
and senate is still undecided?
at least from what i've read so far.
eh, my vote in iowa wouldn't have made culver or conlin win  OR it wouldn't have made grassley and branstad win more.
and if i voted in massachusetts, i would have felt bad since i don't know any of the candidates that well and i don't think it would have mattered. mass is really democratic, any vote i add wouldn't have affected the results. stronger win or still win...wouldn't matter.

but, i actually had a thought today, which i've forgotten. i actually wanted people's opinions on it...but sadly, i've forgotten what i wanted to ask/say...maybe tomorrow i'll remember.
fuck it's nov 3! it's 1:42 am! ahh

here's a song. i can't listen past the first 20 seconds. my head starts to hurt :(

and a video with my two new favorite drinks they have here.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 66

omg i can only tell you how difficult it was for me to fall asleep last night.
i got in bed around 2? 130? 1? i don't remember
and i stayed in bed, awake, until 6 when at that time i somehow managed to fall asleep.
how the fuck did i stay awake for that long in my bed wanting to fall asleep but failing to? gah...
i only got 2 hours.
now i'm sort of tired, but not really

for rowing, we received an email of who was going to row today, and i was not.
so i thought, oh, i can eat at 330, because i wont be working out in a half hour.
buttttt at 410 coach texted all of us saying to go to the tanks and do a 6k on the ergs.
well, fuck my life.
it was terrible.half way through i could taste my 330lunch in my mouth.
my time was terrible, which really just sucks. there goes any of my chances at racing this weekend :(
but i did get to race last weekend, so all is fair. at least i like to tell myself that.

i worked today too. it was a terribly boring shift. i had tortellini for dinner though.
hmmmm not much else to say
except I wish I could be
goodbye :)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day 65

i had a wonderfully unproductive day.
i worked, though, from 3-630. so i get paid $22!! woot woot!
i will buy a new shirt wi th that money. or i will save it, and then once i save enough, but it in a CD with high interest rate and then make billions!
mhm mhm.
i also tried to study today. from 9pm -1am.
i got distracted too much though.
it's all for greek though.
ummm i have to do a presentation on euclid's 1.36 proposition.
Parallelograms which are on equal bases and in the same parallels equal one another.
how mind blowing is that?
i can't even fathom the idea!
i get to work with a partner though, and he's cool, and he probably understands it alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

jk, i do really understand it. it's geometreeeee
but i failed geometry.
want to know what i got first tri fresh year in geometry? really want to know? i actually don't care if people know now. i very well did get into college. a respectable college at that.

um i've decided ot make a countdown to thanksgiving on my dorm room wall next to my bed. i just need to get 20something sheets of paper. and some time to decorate them all!
i'll get some from the lib or something.
anyway, i'm goign to go now! byeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
look what i stumbled upon on youtube today:
delicious music that brings colors to my ears.
no picture, sowweeeee :(

Day 64

I didn't feel like writing a blog yesterdya, so i didn't.
i raced in the regatta yesterdya.
it was a lot of fun
i got so many more blisters, but that's i definitley won't take a photo of it.
umm i sat around for a while. i actaully don't remember what i was going to do/did.
i watched 1/2 of the iowa game. and then at 5 i took a nap, which turned into sleeping until 1200, so i missed a lot of the halloween festivities, and since everyone had alraedy left the hall, i couldn't really figure out what was going on. :(
that's ok though. i slept some more after i messed around on the computer some.
my roommate's parents came by earlier in the day. it was alright.
yeah, i don't have much more to say.
tonight was really not that much fun, although i did catch up on sleep...but i didn't mean to, i just kept sleeping.
oh! i missed the a capella concert :(
i reallllllllly wanted to go, but i slept through it. gah.
well i hope your halloween eve was fun! byez

Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 63

Today was cool.
I dont' remember what i did, but I'm goign to assume ti was cool.
i went rowing
tomorrow is the race!!
i'm excited, but i have to wake up at 645
i should have gone to sleep muchhhhhhhhh earlier
umm i got to explore the old buildigns today like an hour ago
we found the staircase that leads to nowhere.
um a lot of doors were locked, so we actually couldn't do a lot.
um we saw a lot of cool costumes. idk...
someone tried to make easy mac without water...our floor smelllls terrrrrrribleeeeeeee
terrible terrible
and someone also threw up on the 2nd floor, so the stairwell smells terrrrrrribleee
it's not a good night for anyone.
except for me.
um i did other stuff
oh! jazz concert
they played this:
it's soo good!
actually, i haven't listened to all of this video, it might be a bad vid, but prob not! it has 1mill views!
it's parents weekend.
don't have much else to say.
kill me now? no! i want to live! i want to race tomorrow!
im hungry
oh! my roommate is staying in a hotel with her parents for hte night.
i don't have a picture.
oh wait, here's a picture of m y blister, i'm not sure why i'm showing this, but that it's gross ish and it's annoying me and i got it from rowing.
um classes were alright!
oh my midterm! it wasn't bad at all. i knew most of it, except where some papyrus rhind was found. i wrote turkey, but it's either iraq or iran.
psych quiz i got 100% which is good, because i can drop my two lowest quiz grades and all of my are 100% except for two where i missed 1 on each so it's 5/6 which is some percent. 84ish
it won't change my grade that much.
hope halloween day 1 (sort of 2?) was fun for everyone else!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 62

I found out that i need to take calc over the summer at u of i...but i want to take an intensive calc like they offer here which is calc 1 and 2 combined (basically calc bc), but i don't think u of i offers it over the summer...and i also have to get department consent at hc...
i have a midterm tomorrow at 9.
i don't know how i'll do on it.
i have to remember how to complete the square to get the quadratic equation...
and the fuckers outside are yelling.
ummm crew was alright. i still don't know if i'm rowing this weekend, but now there's a race next weekend that i could go to if i'm not going this weekend.
i didn't go to work. i don't know if someone took my shift either.
i hope someone did, then i don't have to make it up later...and not get the bonus at the end of the semester.
i really don't remember what i did today at all!
that's probalby because i woke up at 1230 ish...
um oh!
today was apple day at the dining hall!
there was apple crisp and apple bread pudding and hot apple cider and apples and caramel apples! and ice cream! and it was delicious! i had some of everything and i brought back 6 apples...hah, but they look delicious! i'm going to eat one now...
umm oh! i also made a pudding graveyard!

the milano cookies are grave stones, the cool whip are ghost (with choco chip eyes) the dirt is pudding and smashed oreos, and the pumpkins are pumpkins in a grave yard but they're candy corn and the spoon i used to eat it!
it was delicious but wayyyyyyyyy too much :(
i offered it to other people and they didn't want it. one girl had some though.
only my hall made them. my section of the hall, so 1/2 of the hall.
should sleep, but i don't want to. ehhhhhhhh

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 61

Heyo bloggg worlddddddddddddd!

um, not much eventful today, per usual.
i had a meeting with my academic advisor.
it was interesting. i've always had problems talking to people with authority.
probably started in 7th grade when i used to talk ALL the time in my classes.
i used to get in so much trouble.
i was forced to move in my geography class 4 times.
so one time my teacher just got really mad with me and made me stay afterclass to talk to her. she made me almost cry, and i'm pretty sure that since then (and because of that?), i haven't been able to talk to authority figures that well. my face always forms a frown type thing that i can't stop! my face muscles are too
anyway, some insight to my jr high years.
hmm yeah after that i just didn't talk in my classes ever again. i didn't want to get in trouble/ yelled (but it wasn't yelling, it was stern talking to i guess?) at again...
anyway, when i went to go see my academic advisor, the first thing she asked me was how are you doing?
and my immediate response was "alright." i didn't really think about it, i just always say alright whenever people ask me that question...
after that she just asked "why not great?" "what's wrong" "are you having problems?"
and i said "what do you mean?" and i started to form the frown thing that i can't stop! it's odd...
and then she said  " do you regret coming to hc?" "are you wishing you were somewhere else?"
and i said "ohhh, definitetly not"
and she was relieved and the frown thing stopped somehow.
hmm then we talked about classes some, and she ended up telling me to email the head of the economics department to figure out what class i should take.  (the head emailed me back and told me statistics ! fuck! and asked if i'm in calc right now...i have to say no...but i haven't replied yet since it's 1am.)

um then i left shortly after. i still don't really like my ac advisor. the person before me went over by 11-12 minutes!
hmm then i don't remember doing much. i think i did work. i went to a review session at 9, it was only an hour it turned out. it was really pointless, but it did make me feel better because i knew everything he said.

umm. oh!!! i watched phineas and ferb today! and somehow phin and ferb get stuck on an island. and doof is there. i only watched it for a few minutes but it had all the classic lines in those few minutes!
phin said "i know what we're going to do today!" but i don't remember what it was :( i think it was figure out how to get off the island.
and then doof is walking around with a leaf attacted to a stick to be a magnetic thing you use to search for metal stuff in the sand  ( i can't htink of the word for it) and then he comes across perry, but perry doens't have his hat on and doof says "a platypus?" and then perry takes his head out of the sand and grabs his hat and a crab walks out of it and he puts his hat on and then doof says  "perry? perry the platypus?" and then he says something like "even though we're on a deserted island doesn't mean we should change anything" and perry is tied to a stick by rope. and doof says "i am supreme ruler of the tri coconut area" and then he points out his "de-evoluntion-inator" and it was a huge fish bone like a statue and some crabs worship it. and thennnn someone came intot he room and i turned it off...
and i just searched the episode, here it is:

ummm then some other stuff happened, i don't remember.
then around 1030 a group of us just sat in the social room and talked until around 1245. it was actually a lot of fun. i learned some people do watch phin and ferb.. haha.
and i showed the wagon wheel and pon de floor...not sure why...
um it was fun!
i'm pretty sure there was something else i really wanted to write in this blog, but i don't remember it at all. and i'll just have to settle for this.

umm here's some music for your entertainment:
it's so fantastic! twice today i was about to stand up and go do something around 5:30 in the video, but i couldn't! it's just too good!
ummm here's another song
oh wait, nevermind i closed the tab.
well, if you want a shit song...check out "143" it's going to be on the radio pretty soon too, i bet.

oh i remember the other thing!
my dad called today! and the first thing he asked was "how are you doing?" and i, as i usually do, said "alright" and he, just like my advisor, said "not great?"
it was so weirddd...
and i don't know what i'm doing for thanksgiving break. most likely go to bro's since he's not going home (most likely) for thanksgiving because he has a debate tournament the weekend before? and because he's goign home this weekend? he misses his girlfriend i think... :( tmi? idk...
i shouldn't talk about my family here... it's weird.
anyway, i'm suppose to check out flight info and also talk to rob, but i don't want to talk to rob, i want my parents to...
odd. ok
well have a good night! and a good day! bye!

ohhh! i remember more! so i watched the news today (side note: the news is sooo good! interesting!) and there's this vid where people claim that someone time traveled back to a charlie chaplin film and used a cell phone...
here's the vid:
but it doesn't make sense, because there wouldn't be cell reception. right?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 60

Wooooo new day!

I woke up for breakfast and watched the today show again. taylor swift was on.
um then i tried to go to sleep, but looked at courses for next semester.
i'm also done deciding.
to fulfill my lit requirement i think i'm going to take ummmmm i can't htink of it now
oh! mythology!
it should be kind of cool, i liked it when we read it in ap english.
anyway, the day was uneventful again.
i went to rowing and we rowed all 8 most of the time.
and we got all of our oars off the water until the next stroke a few times too! we're getting better at balancing the boat!
so here's a picture of me:
there really is no point to this photo, i just haven't taken one in a while, so i did today. i'm wearing my girl talk shirt.  i worked out in it...which means i haven't changed clothes...... whatever. it wasn't bad out...

i can't undo this font after i made the caption right now...but today was nice! it was in the 70s unlike all of last week . 
my roommate made some terrible food for dinner and the room smells! i don't think she goes to the dining hall often...

hmm. i don't really have a song either. 
i'll look for one's kind of annoying, and not good...but whatever. i wouldn't be surprised to hear it on the radio in the next few months. or weeks. idk...

Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 59 - make the skunks stop stinking!

TOday was awesome.
I actually thought of something cool to write, but i forgot it...

breakfast was good! except, the fruit wasn't ripe. and i wasn't in the mood for an omelet, but i got one anyway.
i went to classes and i wasn't tired! in greek, i messed up my quiz pretty bad. :(
i worked from 1-430 or 5! it was really rewarding. i watched ellen, oprah a little, maury show, grey's anatomy, pawn stars... it was pretty good.
lunch was decent. i got a cheese quesadilla.
i haven't had meat in a week and some days. i don't like the meat here at all. it's clearly not good for you. it's processed (can meat be processed?), it's fried, it's overcooked, the animals are treated poorly.
anyway, i don't think i'll eat the meat here. i'll go vegetarian for a while, but it won't last.
i'll cave when i get back to iowa city, or when i go out to dinner to a nice restaurant and want lamb or duck or some meat. and those animals are usually treated nicely! on farms!  not veal though...

hmm, i took a nap today! it was great, but i woke up 5 minutes before work, so i ran there. i met with my psychology group for some homework. we did a survey of 2males, 2 females per person. we found out that on average, most males and females look for the same in the opposite sex (attractive, humor/personality, something else i forgot), and that both m/f think that miscommunication is common. AND if a male became a girl for a day, he would want to do sterotypical female things (shopping...) and talk to other girls whereas if girl became guy she would want to play sports without a shirt on and talk to other guys.

um, time to go to sleep! i need to wake up at 720 for breakfast, but i don't have class until 2 pm...
i  need to pick classes for next semester and edit a paper. i edited the paper yesterday and printed it, but today another girl edited the old version and she wants to use hers but i don't want to use something i haven't read, so i'm going to read it...but it's annoying because she didn't go to museum with us and she didn't work on the paper, so her editing is probably not done well...

anddddddddd I want the fucking skunks on campus to stop smelling! it's terrible!

and i don't have a song...
my roommate just mentioned this song, and i said i hadn't heard it before, but i have!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 58

I missed brunch today :(
I slept through it, and woke up at 12, although I think it goes until 2, but i didn't want to go then because i didn't know anyone else going.
i texted a girl around 10 that i might go at 1030, but after i sent the text, i just went back to sleep.
um, then my day ended up being:
attempt at work
go to basement
watch football
listen to people's conversations
obviously not doing much work
leave basement, go to room, shower
go to library, put head on desk at library, fall asleep for 5 minutes
leave library
go to basement
study room is much louder than social room, but i stay there anyway
i get some homework done that's due wednesday
i go to the social room
try to do work, but watch some football with other people
go to dinner
go to church - oh at church, there was a georgetown priest there and 2 others, but i don't remember where they're from. did you hear about the drug lab at georgetown in a freshman dorm room? odd...
go back to social room and watch the end of the vikings/packers game
umm try to study some more and watch the news
and now i'm here
i missed hall decorating. it's so halloween-y (?) here!
umm really nothing happened today.
tomorrow i'm going to breakfast at 730! i'm making myself!
i have to read some of euclid's elements for tomorrow though. maybe i'll do that after breakfast..

ohh i forgot to add a song
so i will
i found this song today
not sure if i like it yet, but i'll see a day or few (can you change it from a day or two, to a day or few?..idk)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Day 57

Today was fun!
I had brunch :)
and then i tried to do work, but ended up looking at stuff online.
at 4:30 i got on the bus to go to Salem. it's about a 1.5-2 hour bus ride.
i met some cool people. one group of people that went were going for a girl's birthday. we mostly hung out with them, as it turns out. i don't think they minded, especially since we knew 1/2 of the group.
we tried to go on some ghost tours, but the tours were sold out. we went into a haunted house, but it was definitely not worth how much it cost. you can just as easily get scared just by being there.
we went into one place to get our palms read, tarot cards read, and whatever else is done at those places. it cost  between $30 and $50 depending on what you wanted. when we left a lady yelled something like, why did the fucking come in this place if those motherfuckers didn't want anything?
we found a fair thing, and 1/2 of the birthday party went on a ferris wheel. we stayed and talked and sang songs?
we then continued our search for starbucks and when we found one, it was closed :( it had just closed! we got there at 8 and it closed at 8.
we ended up at dunkin donuts. i got a hot chocolate and i learned some cool trick games.
hmm, while walking around i saw a pirate statue thing like the ones catherine and i saw at the museum of nat history in chicago (remember, catherine, if you're reading this?)
yup, ended up at, what i think was, a german shop. so i got a bunch of bueno bars!! delicious! i hope they don't melt or anything. oh, i just remembered at the beginning of the semester i had one or two toblerones! if only i had kept some :(

yeah, at 945 we left. ended up back here around 1130. it was cool!!!
when i got back to my door, a bunch of girls were just sitting and standing in the hall, so i joined them. they're pretty nice. i played with a nerf gun for a while, but i missed our attack on the second floor guys :(
it's on youtube somewhere though... or actually it's not. i just checked, it's on facebook though! (not mine...)

um, yeah hung out for a while. a lot of people came back from partying. some people got arrested, but i don't think people from my floor.
actually...idk...i'll wait until tomorrow to find out.

no more to say that i can actually think of. i have a headache...tomorrow i have so much work to do!
i got one thing crossed off my list of things to do and there were 6. ah! and the girl i emailed 12 hours ago about a group paper for archaeology hasn't responded! college sucks when your grade is dependent on other people... :(

Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 56

I'm going to sleep early tonight. I'm so tired, even though...
Today, I missed my first class. I think my alarm never went off. Last night, I think I turned on my alarm, and then not remembering I turned it on, I turned it off...
Anyway, I slept through the first 10 minutes of class, so I just didn't go. I heard it was sort of pointless anyway, but I felt bad because there's exactly the number of chairs for each student, so it's obvious I wasn't there.

Rowing was cool today. BUT I was freezing! It was in the 30s today, and I just had on some leggings (lol, I need to get some underarmour long leg things, not some thin leggings which don't keep you that warm) and a short sleeve and long sleeve shirt. Apparently it was snowing today, I didn't see it, but almost everyone on my crew team did.
I'm getting (ordering) a new coat tomorrow anyway, so it'll be ok. I just need boots! Suggestions?

Tonight was fun! I hung out with some people on my hall, but I left early. I'm just too tired.  Psh, and Jared texted me saying "at an awesome zbt partaayyy. You need to party!!!"...
I'll do what I want to do. It's not like I don't go to parties, it's just something I don't do often. I'd rather just hang out with some friends anyway.

Anyway, waking up early tomorrow, because I have so much work to do!
I'm going to Salem tomorrow too...! Scary?!
I just checked the times for breakfast. The dining hall isn't open between 9 and 10. Fuck that. It's 8-9 breakfast, 10- something for brunch...hmm all I really want is breakfast though, but I don't want to wake up at 8. gah.

Do you want to see an annoying video?
My roommate played it, without headphones, and now it's stuck in my head.

WELL, have a great day tomorrow! I'm going to go do a kenken and then go to sleep. lame? NO.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 55

I went to the museum today!
One of the girls who is in my group, didn't show up. The group is three people...
I sort of expected it, but it was still really annoying.
I got to see all (or most?) of all of the colleges in Worcester. One of them I thought was a high school (Worcester State).  We finished the paper on the bus ride back, but it's 100 words over the limit.
I also had breakfast, but it wasn't that good. I had a waffle, but I put on too much syrup. And I had fruit - the only time of the day when the dining hall has good fruit.

Class was boring...more boring than usual.
Tomorrow I have two quizzes. One of them I just remembered now... :(
I didn't go to rowing today, and everyone else on the team did. I felt left out :'(
I did do a psychology experiment, and I got paid five dollars for it! There were three of us, and we played a game. I looked up the game  later, and it's about the prisoner's dilemma, sort of. I didn't do the nash equilibrium, I did what would be best for all of us.
It was interesting...and only 20 minutes. a quarter a minute! definitely worth it!

Work was mundane... and I didn't get a paycheck today. Tomorrow!

AND I helped solve a crossword today, and get 1/2 of the nyt crossword done! I didn't solve the kenken today, though :(

I listened to the a capella coed group today. They sang fix you/umbrella and
It was pretty good, but i wanted to hear a different song than fix you/umbrella, because I heard it last time. I still really liked it though!
time to go study a bit and then go to sleep!
I had a thought earlier, but I've since forgotten...
oh, i had it. what's an example of free will?
i can't think of one at all! it was a thought question in psychology a month ago,
and i couldn't think of one at all. hmm, whatever.
i'll go google it...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 54

I got back my psych midterm today! Pretty well, but I thought I did better than I did, which makes me sad.
I'll just do better next time. That's what I'm suppose to think, right?

I tried figuring out courses for next semester, but it's too fucking difficult.
I take four courses.
1. Required montserrat
2. Finish Greek 101
3. I want to take Calc, but there are no calc classes that i can take because all the spring courses require a prereq i haven't taken, so i'm not taking math..., but i want to!
4. I want to take an econ course, but I can't take principles of micro because of ap credit. all of the other econ courses are for econ majors ONLY.

SO, I DONT KNOW what to do. Since I didn't have a declared major when I registered for fall courses, I was placed with a random academic advisor. My academic advisor teaches theology courses. She can't help me at all. I don't know who to talk to. FUCK!

AND if I want to be able to study abroad junior year, I need to take calc spring semester..... fuck!
There's no intensive calc course, which is so dumb.

Anyway, I took a work shift today. Worked for 2.5 hours so 16+4 = 20 dollars. worth it? I would have just sat around for that time, so I think so.
AND I can use that money to buy stuff! Like stuff on my list.
I worked on a crossword for 4 hours today. It was surprisingly fun! I also did the two kenkens in the new york times. I've been picking up the nyt and doing the kenkens recently. The one today took me most of psych. I felt bad, because I should have been paying attention, but lately I haven't been able to pay attention in any of my classes. They just don't interest me anymore. I NEED math! (sad realization...but it's true, even if I'm not too good at it, I really like it...ugh, that's so gross) Maybe I just need classes that use math or use logic that math uses. idk... I can't think well right now. I hate it when people say, it's late, i can't think, but it's becoming more true for me.

I have a real thought today:
I was wondering, where do morals come from? How do people form their morals?
My morals are based from the religion I follow. the 10 commandments, the golden rule.
Parents do play an important part, too, but where do their morals come from?
it seems like people have a really good moral standing if they follow any religion because they have a way to form right from wrong.
hmm... i don't know.....

no music, but a fantastic video from the The Rent Is TOO DAMN HIGH political party.
but most people have already seen this.
have a good day.
i'm gettin breakfast tomorrow morning!
going to the museum after
then writing a paper
then class
then signing some drug NCAA form
then a psychology experiment!
then work
then homework
^ my day tomorrow

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 53 (59?)

I think I'm going to keep with the old numbers and just always think +6 in my head. I should figure out which one is right for real, but I don't want to right now.
I'm going to try to make this post short, because I want to sleep.

Today was alright. I got an A on my midterm in archaeology!!!! SO HAPPY :) I was going to post a pic, but the lights are off, because my roommate is trying to sleep.

rowing was cool. i'm missing thursday though. so i won't be working out until friday :(
um...i didn't do much after rowing which is bad. i did do my greek homework, and i understood all of it!
i had a conversation with some people about the government. we were talking about who was going to vote, and i said i wasn't. i'm not for two reasons, 1. i didn't register in time, and 2. i don't think i know enough about any of the candidates or what should be done about the problems in the US/ world....

i also don't have the time right now to read about the candidates, and i don't want to blindly vote one way or the other. i also think that voting is a waste of time, because the vote doesn't really seem to matter. a win is a win, it doesn't matter the percentage.
also, i realized after talking with the people, that i have no fucking clue about any of the problems in the US, well i do have some clue, but not enough to be able to pick a side.
i also think my views will change in months, so if i vote for a candidate now, i'll probably changing what i believe and not agreeing with the candidate later.  and i think this is all true for a lot of people who vote, which is pretty sad.
not even sure if any of that made sense, but it's too late to care......

anddddd watching weeds just isn't fun anymore. i watched a clip of it today, and i kept wondering why i was watching it and when the clip was going to end. it isn't funny. first few seasons were very good. moving to mexico was a bad idea.

i don't have a song, but i have a fantastic video for y'all:

Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 52 (actually, 58)

I'm prettty sure I'm off on the days, but I'm too lazy to check right now...
Well, I just did and it should be 58...

Today wasn't too bad,
just kidding.
today was awful.
greek midterm - failure :(
i just have to work harder, i guess.
umm i had crew, and i sat on the launch for most of it.
then, once i got on, i didn't row that much! and it was soooo cold.
after i got off the boat, i could not feel my feet.
it was awful.
then i got back to school around 655, and i had to work at 7.  i ran so fast to change and then get to work!

anyway, now i'm here. my roommate is taking nyquill to go to sleep.

oh! i got an awesome tshirt for crew!!
it's embroidered.

first letter of first name and last name are on the sleeve, but in gel. 
it's cool!!!
it's a medium though. it was the only size available. it'll fit though. freshman 15? lollllll.................
it's purple, but it's hard to tell with the pictures. 
free too. well, the shirt cost $5 and the embroidering was free, but she's not making us pay. she's so nice!!! :)

no new music :(
i like all the suggestions though!
it's interesting too see what people listen to. 
i'm going to get some of the songs soon. 
oh! i also got a letter from sonya today :)
and a package from my mom :)
the letter had my name in um pictures. very cool!
i'll show it:
a - asparagus
s - snake
t - tree
r - rose
i - ice cream
d- dog
nyquill hasn't taken effect yet.  hmmmm. 
well, my first class is at 2. 
ah, reading catherine's post and chatting with her has made me forget subjects of sentences or a pronoun (which can be a subject...whatever). it's so bad! i've had to go back and add a few "i"s and "her"s and other stuff to make the sentence a sentence. 

anyway, probably going to go to sleep. i'm going to try to get another work shift tomorrow, but i sort of don't want to...i need the money though. 
i'm going to make a list of stuff i want and then slowly buy the stuff on the list in order of need.
i need headphones, but not as badly as i need boots for winter. 
i need a new coat, but i have a coat right now that's ok. 
it'll be rewarding buying stuff for myself? haha, it'll probably make me sad when i see money going away in my bank account. :(


smoky sunday
___ monday
tipsy tuesday
wasted wednesday ?
thirsty thursday
oh, it's fucking friday!
haha...idk. that's so lame. 
i got sunday and tuesday from catherine's hall though. 
i forgot monday and wednesday. :(

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 51

Tomorrow starts the end of break! :(
I have two classes.
Then I get to pick up a package from my mom! I think it's just my jacket though :(
Then I have to mail my paycheck home...
which costs money...which is dumb.

hmm, i found a guitar pick.
someone plays the guitar on campus!
enough to carry a pick and lose it.

i also found a receipt from a store in hawaii on my bed. it was odd. probably fell out of my backpack? i don't know...

my roommate is back. along with everyone else on my floor.
my roommate has a cough and it's a bit annoying, but i'll live.

oh! i need new headphones! the ones i have now only work if i hold the end where it plugs in just right.
i guess i'll buy some tomorrow too, if the bookstore sells them.

hmm, looked up the word anyway today. i've been using it wrong for quite a while. you aren't suppose to use anyway as a way to divert from a conversation and start a new one. and anyways isn't a word either. weird.

well, don't really have a song to put here, especially since i've been asking for new music.
i was looking at the top 100 on youtube, and some girl on the xfactor butchered this song. i don't understand why she is still on the show.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day 50

Today was pretty boring.
I woke up at 2:30.
Not sure what I did...
went for a walk at one point,
but it was so cold outside
so i didn't stay out for too long.
at 5 i went to dinner with a girl
who just got back from london!
then, i got back
and took a shower? i think.
i watched agent cody banks
and my date with the president's daughter
haha...pretty sad ?
idk. it was pretty fun.
although i didn't pay attention for a lot of the first movie
and skipped through a lot of the second.
hmm, not sure how i made it to 2:30
at some point i made oatmeal
but i really want bread!
with peanut butter!!
delicious =D

now i'm just trying to think of another movie to watch.
i signed up for a psychology experiment thing on thursday
i get paid $5. lol...
but i also get my lowest quiz taken off in psychology...
i haven't been doing too bad.
but it would still be nice if i were to miss one.

anyway, say the word!!!!
make a call and i'll be there
anytime anywhere have you heard?
that i'm all about saving your world
all you do is have to say the word!

ah I remember when kim possible first started.
i was on vacation, and i had to see the first episode!
and we were staying in a hotel (well, duh, vacation...) anyway,
we just got back from dinner, and i was rushing my family to get to the hotel room.
but i wouldn't tell them why.
because i was embarrassed.
i think i didn't end up watching the first episode, because lil bro wanted to go swimming.
or maybe i did watch it and missed swimming.
hmm...more insight to my childhood.
ew, it's eerie remembering when i was younger. i'm old :(

no, blogger is so dumb. it won't let me put my vid up.
i made an awesome video of  me lip syncing this song!
it was awesome. maybe i should just put it on youtube.
it's actually pretty creepy.
because i start to whisper it a little. so it's odd. yeah...

Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 43/44/45/46/47/48/49

I missed all of those days, because I was visiting Catherine!!!!
This is what happened:

ha, well I met some really cool people. (i want to name them, but that would be weird and it would basically go frisbee people, catherine's hallmates, other people in the butts like Nick and Robbie and Henry (x2) and Jeffrey (?) I don't actually remember his name...but he was cool! and other people who i guess i don't remember)
i saw some cool stuff.
ate some good food. much better food than here!

can't really think of what i did...
hung out i guess.
it was a lot of fun!!
i like wesleyan a lot! not at first, but now i really do!
but i'm definitely glad to be back.

anyway, i got to union station in hartford at 2 pm ish today. bought a train ticket for worcester for 4:15pm (the next bus). to spend the time, i bought 2 doughnuts, a smoothie, a magazine, and a newspaper. called some people. eventually it was 4, and i got in line for the bus. it was so cold outside! then, i got on the bus after waiting for 5-10 minutes. on the  bus, we had to wait for 40 minutes for another bus to arrive for people who were on that bus who needed to get on my bus. bit confusing.
there was a little girl (i think) who kept kicking the back of my seat! i didn't mind, until the kicking increased...but then it stopped when she fell asleep.

anyway. back in worcester.
got in a taxi. the guy was soooo creepy. he asked he where i was. then, convinced i was visiting a boyfriend, kept asking me how many boyfriends i had right now. then he said, well i doubt he'll mind me too. and i was so creeped out! i kept looking out the window trying to figure out where i was. i saw three male exotic dance clubs (i cant think of the correct name right now) which creeped me out. then he started talking about his "girlfriend" (in quotes, because i doubted she existed). he then explained why he didn't take the interstate (apparently it's faster, but the fair was the same as taking the interstate to union station on saturday).
well, the ride creeped me out!  but i still tipped him well...

hmm, back here, i saw the 3 girls on my hall who stayed. they were going for dinner, and i didn't want to. i sort of wish i did  now.
i watched a bunch of hulu and read a lot. still haven't read the newspaper though :(

hmm, well
i found my lollipops! delicious!!!
mmmm, carmel apple!!!

ahh the three main songs from wesleyan which are awesome!!!

so, oh! at wesleyan, i found out i gained 7 pounds since starting college, or since i last weighed myself which was before college sometime.
so now i weigh over 100lbs!

now it's catherine's turn to visit.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day 41/42

I missed one day, because I stayed up late studying for my Greek exam, and I didn't want to spend time writing a blog post. 
I had the test today, didn't have enough time to finish it :( 
and I definitely messed up some parts of it...gah

now I'm awake at 5:13 AM with nothing to do. This hasn't happened since...high school? When then I could always just sleep and then go to class. 
I guess I did this a lot during the summer, I would stay awake until 8 or 9 or 10am and essentially do nothing. That was also when I had netflix. :(

My roommate left around 2 pm, I fell asleep around 6 or 7 pm, and woke up at 3 am. I have no idea what I've  been doing for 2 hours. but I've realized, if I have to stay here all week, I'm going to be so bored. 
CATHERINE! you should answer your phone, ok? I need to get over to Wesleyan, so I'm not bored!

and I didn't have internet all day today until 3pm maybe, so I guess not all day. but I had to find an ethernet chord. 

It's so weird to be awake at 5am. There are no car horns going off. No one is talking in the hall. It's light but also dark outside. I don't hear anyone going to the bathroom or the showers running. It's odd. 
No one is here on my hall though, except for 2 people for band and 2 or 3 people for sports. There's one other girl staying for most of the week, because she doesn't live around here, but I don't know here that well. 
Some of my professors are saying that we have this week long break, because the administration (I don't know what to call them) wanted to make the fall semester parallel the spring semester. It's new this year. I think it's awesome...but I'm not going anywhere, so it's not that awesome. 

I think I'll go make myself some hot chocolate since I have nothing else to do. This actually wouldn't be too  bad, if I had movies or food or books or transportation. But, I have no way to get to the movie theater or to get to the shopping center or even to get to the bus station. Everything requires cabs. 

good song?

i hope my hot chocolate doesn't spill. 
I don't know when breakfast is offered today. I also don't know anyone to sit next to. Probably 9, since it's Saturday and it's brunch. 

I really have nothing to write about. It's now 6:20, and I've left this window open, not posting it or writing anything. 
yeah, it's blue because I have a dell and the light is blue. It's my hot chocolate!! Delicious!!!
Not sure why I'm wearing my lanyard...

Meh, well have a good day!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 40

TODAY sucked...actually, not really.
Well, first of all.
Last night, I was sleeping, like usual. I went to sleep between 1:30 and 1:45. My roommate, I believe went to sleep between 2 and 2:15. But, what felt like half way through the night, my roommate started to talk to me. I remember thinking, is she really talking to me? She asked, "how do you fall asleep?" and "how do you stay asleep" and other questions. and i didn't answer, but she kept asking. and i was thinking, is she seriously asking me these questions. i didn't check the time, because i didn't want to pick up my head and look at the bright light of my alarm clock. i answered something like, "i just do" or "it just happens" or "i'm not really sure." something vague...

yeah, when i actually woke up, i woke up at 850 because i kept thinking the noise from my cell phone was a mens choir singing in my dream and my alarm clock was a whale blowing it's water thing. not sure how they were both in the same dream, but whatever. but i hurried up for class, and made it on time.

i had a greek quiz, which i think i did alright on. and then i had my psych test. the mc was soooo easy, but the short answer, i forgot a lot of the answers to the questions in the book because i did them like a month ago when we first got the reading and didn't review them. later, when i got back to my room, i definitely remembered one of the answers from the book and it annoyed me. same with my greek quiz, after i turned in my quiz less than 5 seconds later i remembered there was one more english translation for a word...i'm going to miss 1/3 of a point for that one :(

um, then i messed around on the computer for a few hours, because i was beat from studying. i did look for shifts to take, but none were open for wed night. i got ready for crew, but only 7 people showed up and we need 8, so 3 of us left (i did). i ended up going downstairs and watching the reds game and studying.
then i watched the yankee's game and studied and i think figured out part of this math homework i have!!! it's really confusing though... but i'm going to see the prof tomorrow during office hours.

this feels like a long post :(

i just got back from the library, and it's weird leaving when the library is closing for the night. i see all the people who are beat from studying, and i see all of the people who work really hard. i thought i heard someone yell "fuck this" and then like 3 minutes later "fuck." but that might have just been in my head, telling myself i'm screwed for my greek quiz on friday.

i'm working out trying to figure out days and times of traveling to go see catherine this's more difficult than i thought it would be... :(
it's ok though! as long as i get there, it'll be fine...?

there's more to say, but i can't think of what it is.
hmm, i feel as though when i get back to iowa city, it's going to be weird when i don't say "hi" to everyone i see, even if i don't know the person, like i do here. or when i get back, it's going to be weird to hold the door open for the person behind you or about to walk in, because we do that all the time here, and i don't remember that ever happening in ic, but it probably did.

i also don't like it when people say "good times" or when people can't have a conversation without saying "like" as a filler word. it annoys me so much! and so often people talk that way. i do it sometimes though, so i shouldn't hate on it too much.

ohh, another thing is that i need a raincoat! or rain boots! the TA (i think that's what she is) in my psych class was telling the prof during the test about how much rain boots cost. anyway, it rains so much here, that i need them. i have an umbrella, but it's definitely not enough. but i feel as though once i get my rain boots, i'll need snow boots.

now this is a long post...maybe?
i want to go to italy!!!
it's pretty sad that italy sometimes reminds me of this song...
haha i remember this music vid...

hah her album is called metamorphosis.
pretty sure it was one of the first cds i bought with my own money. and i was embarrassed buying it. i remember not wanting greg or rob seeing me buy it in best buy with them.
pretty sure next cd after that was kanye west's trio. then some whiner emo(ish) music. then death cab for cutie. yeah, then the end of cds? might have a few more.
oh wait, i got some more rap somewhere in there. maybe 2pac?
oh and hall and oates!!!
hah, my sad and pathetic music collection. i wish i had more cds :(
ok g'night.
have a great day!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 39

today, my roommate woke me up at 9 something because she thought i had a class at 10. i told her my first class was at 2...
i think she just wanted me out of the room though, so she could write her essay.
i ended up waking at 10, and watched house and chuck as i made flash cards.

yup, my flash cards for psych and for greek...and i'm wearing my whistle!!

i have a greek quiz and a psych test tomorrow one after the other.
i did my laundry today! 2 loads, and i still couldn't fit all my clothes in those two washes, so i have some clothes still in the hamper. :(
i had to go ask the person at the bookstore for quarters. she was nice about it though.

i didn't go to crew today, because i wanted to do work.
i'm writing my blog early, because i still have a lot to do. i got a medium chai latte though, so i think it should hold me over to 11pm, but that's definitely not late enough.

umm it's respect life month, so at dinner people offered ribbons and i took one. you're suppose to wear it all month, but i'm not going to. i think i'll just put it on my backpack or something. i don't even know what i think about abortion anyway. well, i'm not completely prolife or prochoice. i guess i have my own view on it, but i don't think we should stop people from having an abortion. just make sure everyone knows all the facts i guess.
i think white ribbons were suppose to also be handed out for respect women? i don't actually know what it's called, but i believe it's for battered women and children. i would have taken one of those ribbons, too, if i saw them.

i watched glee, because a group of us had to work on some homework and the best place is the social room so we could talk. it turned out we met at the same time as glee. so i sort of saw the episode. i missed all the funny lines though, but i heard the group laughing. it was about religion. it was interesting. i liked the songs.

hmm, this is a long post. i still have to put away my laundry. have a good night!!
i don't want to find a song. actually i have a youtube link up from earlier today.
here it is:
i don't like the video. it's too creepy.
the song is coool.
This HQ is alive and alone, 
No driveway no sign of a home, 
No dial tone, no line for the phone, 
No world's tiniest violin song, 
And i might just lie to them all, lie in the morgue 
With a deep breath hiding and bored, 
Fighting a smile, highly annoyed, 
When the timing is right i will rise and record

I ended up looking up another songgg
which is much better, or equal, but in different genres?
the song is sort of weird. the lyrics. 
male prostitution. but it sounds good. the beat, the tune. 
and how it was written is really cool. 
i think people who write song lyrics are really talented.